Chatbot Mistress - Is Artificial Intelligence The Future?

I've been watching the new series of Black Mirror this week (if you haven't seen it, there's a great Blackmail episode – S3E3) and it's got me thinking.
Technology has now reached a point where it's possible to synthesise realistic online interactions. It would be possible to create an artificial intelligence (AI) that acted just like an online Dominatrix.
She could dish out tasks, punishments, verbal humiliation and even be capable of blackmail. There's scope for it to go much deeper and she could be installed onto a subs computer/smartphone and take over their social media accounts, photos, bank accounts and essentially have control over much of their lives.
My question is, is it likely to ever reach a point where subs would actually choose this as an option over a real woman? What if the AI was designed by, and modelled on a real Domme?
I think the answer could be – maybe.
Most of the interactions in Findom take place only online, so replicating these using artificial intelligence would actually be quite feasible. A Dominatrix friend and I mapped out some ideas for how this might work last year, and it turned out that it would be surprisingly easy to accomplish given the nature of D/s interactions.
Imagine the benefits to a Domme – she could be interacting with 1000s of subs per day, without ever having to expend any of her time.
I also watched a documentary last year on 'Real Dolls' which features men who obtain a life-size sex doll as their partner, instead of a real woman. The next generation of these are to be r§eleased this year, which will be robots that can speak and perform basic movements, so I don't think having an online AI telling you what to do is unfesable.
The bottom line is going to be where subs draw the line between what's acceptable (real or artificial) but there are so many desperate subs with a Domme > sub ratio that's in favour of women, that I think it could work.