Femdom Porn - Is It Bad For You?

Let’s face it; who doesn’t love watching femdom porn? Whether you’re single and using it to satisfy your desires, or you’re in a relationship and indulge in a bit of porn when you don’t have the energy to play, we all love it. Unless your Mistress doesn’t permit you to watch it of course ;)
Although you may experience incredible pleasure from watching femdom porn, is it healthy for you? Is femdom porn addiction a thing? Could it be damaging your relationships with women and maybe even causing damage to your brain? Ever considered how it affects the women behind the camera?
The research on whether porn is good or bad for you is still a grey area, and the information I’m about to present to you is not conclusive. I may even sound anti-porn in parts (I’m not – I regularly indulge in femdom porn), but I want to make you aware of some of the potential problems associated with consuming femdom porn.
Like most things in life, if used responsibly and in moderation then you probably won’t experience any adverse effects, but if you over-do it then you may discover some less than favourable side effects.
Your Brain on Porn
Studies have shown that frequent use of porn can alter the function and activity in some regions of your brain. In 2013, The Guardian reported that a Cambridge University neuropsychiatrist discovered that porn addicts developed similar changes in areas of their brain as drug addicts.
Source: Conquer Series
Like any pleasurable activity, watching porn triggers the release of dopamine into the reward centre of your brain. The purpose of the reward centre is to make you feel good when you do something healthy, like eating a healthy meal or lifting weights at the gym.
The reward centre can also be activated when you indulge in activities that make you feel good but are harmful to your health – like alcohol or drugs.
When your brain releases dopamine, it also releases a protein called DeltaFosB. DeltaFosB’s job is to create new pathways in your brain that connect the activity that you’re doing with the pleasurable feeling, which can form the foundation of either healthy habits or addictions.
In short, porn can literally re-wire your brain!
Femdom Porn Addiction: It Feels Good, So What’s The Problem?
Like any activity, indulging in moderation is unlikely to cause you problems, but excessive use of porn and creating these new neural pathways in your brain can quickly lead to porn addiction.
Based on the accounts I’ve read online from countless men, my opinion is that the likelihood of becoming addicted to femdom porn may be much higher than regular porn due to the inaccessibility of real-life femdom experiences in comparison to normal sex (for many guys). Especially younger men who also suffer from self-esteem issues relating to their kinks and who don’t pursue real-life experiences.
A study by Case Western Reverse University in Cleveland suggested a direct link between porn addiction and depression and anxiety. This doesn’t suggest that porn itself causes these problems, but addiction to porn and the user’s feelings about their addiction can lead to mental health issues.
When men feel lonely or depressed, they may turn to porn and masturbation to medicate. If this leads to addiction and amplifies feelings of depression, you can see how this can turn into an incredibly destructive cycle.
Femdom Porn Vrs Reality
One of the significant issues with porn is that creates a poor representation of reality. This isn’t so much of a problem for users who are aware of this but ask any female Domme about her interactions with submissive men online and you’ll quickly learn that most men seem to believe that femdom porn paints an accurate picture of real-life.
You know the videos; the man grovels like a worthless worm, and the woman treats him with complete contempt, beating him and humiliating him as if she hates him, but then jerks him off at the end.
Men then to seek out these interactions in real-life with dominant women. They send grovelling pleas to women online, declaring their worthlessness and begging for an opportunity to serve them because this is what they have witnessed in porn.
Hello Miss...may i please you in some way? I was just left plugged, edged and denied with a play partner for 2 hours, and am really desperate... could we chat / cam / anything?
They lose all sense of reason and fail to understand that these kind of interactions are impossible. No woman who genuinely hates a man is going to indulge him in the sexual pleasure he craves.
That’s not to say you can’t re-create many of your favourite femdom fantasies in real-life with your partner, but you must realise that women want to be treated as human beings, and not objectified like you have seen in porn.
This is where I believe femdom porn becomes incredibly problematic and creates enormous obstacles for men searching for a woman to share their fantasies. Their approach to contacting women is disrespectful, inappropriate and objectifying, so they continually get rejected, and this then perpetuates the cycle of loneliness and porn addiction.
This is not unique to femdom porn either. Dick pic anyone?
Men establishing beliefs on how women want to be treated based on what they have seen in porn is no surprise when you learn that almost 50% of men in a Reddit survey admitted that they have never had sexual intercourse and their only sexual experiences were with porn.
You can quickly begin to understand now why this problem of how men treat women as sexual objects is so prevalent.
Femdom Porn & Escalating Fetishes
One of the primary issues with addiction is tolerance and the decreasing intensity of pleasure. The more a user a indulges in an activity, the less effect it has on them.
For occasional porn users who are receiving their fill of real-life experiences, this isn’t going to be a huge problem, but if you’re fapping off to femdom porn for hours every single day, you may notice that you become less and less satisfied with the porn that you consume.
Like the heroin addict, they probably didn’t start with heroin, they began with softer drugs and gradually moved onto harder choices to chase the original high that had been lost.
If you’ve been consuming femdom porn for any length of time on a regular basis, you may have noticed that your original penchant for mild bondage led you down a path to increasingly more unusual tastes, perhaps even to activities that you once felt repulsed by or that seem to conflict with your morals or sexual orientation.
In a 2012 Reddit survey of 1,500 young adult men, 56% said their tastes in porn had become “increasingly extreme or deviant.”
This is called the Coolidge effect, in which you seek new and exciting sexual endeavours (or partners) to obtain that initial pleasure rush you experienced with your first sexual thrills.
So, when spanking porn no longer does it for you, you crave something new and exciting to give you the same pleasure. Over time, you begin to seek more extreme or deviant porn to get you off, and this can lead you down a strange path.
There’s nothing wrong with opening your mind to new things, but if your shoe fetish has somehow turned into a craving for forced bi or cuckolding and it makes you feel ashamed and uncomfortable after you’ve whacked off, then you may be experiencing the Coolidge effect.
This problem isn't exclusive to submissive men either; one study found that people exposed to significant volumes of porn began to think that sex with animals was more acceptable.. WTF?
Another study found that porn users tastes changed so much that they could no longer achieve sexual arousal with their partners, but they could still get excited when watching porn.
I’ve experienced the Coolidge effect in my own life. My first fetish was feet – which I’ve had since I was a child and which developed without any outside influence. It wasn’t until I discovered the internet that I learned about femdom and my palette for sexual activities became much more diverse.
I don’t believe developing a love for femdom is a bad thing at all, but I’ve definitely found myself watching some bizzare porn at times that has questioned my boundaries.
Femdom Porn and Your Relationships
Addiction, false expectations of reality, jacking off to shameful activities and treating women like fetish dispensers are not activities that form the foundation of any healthy relationship.
In 2002, The American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers discovered that 56% of divorces involved one party having “an obsessive interest in pornographic websites.”
I honestly believe that over-consumption of femdom porn is the reason why so many submissive men fail to find the relationships they are searching for. Their expectations of what women are looking for is so far off the mark that they have absolutely no idea how to interact with women.
When they do find a relationship, they learn that sex doesn't always live up to what they’ve seen in porn. This warped sense of reality can lead to problems with attraction, arousal and sexual performance.
Femdom porn also puts a tremendous amount of pressure on women to live up to the expectations their partners have learned from consuming femdom porn. Men may be shocked to learn that sex in real-life isn’t always going to involve corset-clad women in 8” stiletto boots, in a fully-equipped dungeon.
Abuse of Women in the Porn Industry
Over 70% of porn consumption is by men, and that probably comes as no surprise. Porn is very degrading and humiliating to women, but what’s more worrying is the degree of exploitation and abuse of women in the porn industry.
After analysing top-selling porn content, a report found that 88% of scenes contained physical aggression towards women and 49% contained scenes of verbal aggression.
That’s not to mention the countless stories about sex trafficking, underage girls, issues with consent, rape and the transmission of STDs.
These issues often lead to depression and substance abuse in women and 2008 study reported that at least 39 porn stars have committed suicide since 1970.
You may argue that women sign up for this career through their own choice, but they certainly don’t sign up to being abused. I’m not suggesting that all porn producers are evil, there are those that treat women with respect but it’s certainly not the case across the board.
All this goes against the very nature of femdom, which is about empowering and worshipping women.
But It’s the MEN who get abused in Femdom porn!
Femdom porn is slightly more ethical in that the women are not being degraded on screen, but that’s not to say that the treatment of these women off-camera is always fair.
You must also appreciate that even though these women are portrayed as Goddesses ruling over men, they are still working in an industry that objectifies women and caters to male desires.
That’s not to say that all femdom porn is evil. There is some excellent femdom porn out there featuring passionate Dominatrixes who love what they do and who work with respectful men. There is even a whole genre of feminist porn that caters for those with more vanilla tastes.
If you want to enjoy femdom porn in a way that respects and empowers women, then buy clips from amateur stores run by women. Amateur producers are much less likely to be abusing themselves or other women, and by paying for their clips, you are supporting them. There are endless amounts of women on Clips4Sale running their own femdom clip stores.
If you do choose to watch movies from big production companies, then do a little research first and make sure there are no horror stories about them mistreating women behind the scenes.
The Benefits of Femdom Porn
Woah! We’ve uncovered a lot of negatives about femdom porn and porn in general in this article, but there some positives to watching porn.
1. It’s Pleasurable
The reason you watch it in the first place is that it brings you enjoyment. It can also be a great stress relief to escape into your fantasies for a while and give yourself some much-needed self-pleasure.
2.It Can Benefit Your Relationship
Watching porn with your partner can be a great way to spice up your relationship or get you in the mood for a hot and steamy femdom session. You can use it to discover new kinks or scenarios that you would like to try. It can also be a great way to communicate your desires to your partner, especially if you find it difficult to ask for what you want.
3.Sexual Self-Exploration
It’s difficult to know what you’re interested in if you’ve never experienced anything outside the vanilla norms. Pornography can enlighten you to new kinks and ideas that you might never have discovered on your own. You can then take these new fantasies into your relationships and enjoy a whole new world of sexual pleasure.
While there is no conclusive evidence for either side of the argument on whether porn is good or bad for us, I'm of the opinion that when used in moderation then femdom porn can be a positive addition to your sex life. Like anything, too much of anything can lead to problems.
One thing I would like you to give further thought to is how women are treated in the porn industry. It's easy for men to overlook the problems women experience through ignorance, but there are real issues with the abuse of women in this industry, and we're all about empowering women, not abusing them.
Now, go watch some porn!